Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 7 of the Canada Trip

I asked Porter this morning if he was hungry yet and if he would like some applesauce before his pancakes.  Porters says, "NO, I want something good for my body!"

Porter says, "WE WANT PANCAKES!"
All this was said this morning by my sweet, handsome son.  Oh and if you are wondering who Ralph is, he is our garbage man at home.  One of Porter's best friends, and any one else who drives a truck.

I told Porter to put back Daddy's chap stick. Porter says, "But Mom, I need chap stick, real bad! My lips burn real bad! I need it for kissing!"

What a great picture of my handsome men in my life!  I am sure a lucky girl!
Every morning at Weir Beach RV Resort, Porter was co-pilot and is in charge of the trash and checking out. 

Beautiful government building in Victoria.

We went to the British Columbus Museum of Natural History
 Here is John Lennon's car. (the yellow submarine)
My girls are just soaking up so much knowledge on this trip.

Here we are at our camp site for the night at Barrington Island on the Puget Sound.

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