Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fun in the Sun

The Campbell's lived at the Campbell's house for 3 weeks.

Yard work never looked so much fun for the kids, anyway!

You can run but you CAN"T hide from me.....I'm fast with the camera Porter.

Scott said, "Come on Porter, lets go and do men's work."

Once the kids saw Scott by the pool......screams of joy filled the air. It was great to see Scott teach the girls a few things to take back to swim practice.

I see crack!

Scott bought a be be gun while we were there. The kids had so much fun taking turns putting holes in the soda cans.

So I guess I should have known that Scott would have shot a rabbit right?

Porter was so proud of his dad. We have been seeing the effects of this rabbit in our garden for awhile now. In words I can say I wanted that rabbit dead, but once Scott showed me it, tears started down my face.
We had a nice burial for the rabbit and buried it by the family dogs.

Boys and their toy trains

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