Thursday, May 28, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

It was also a very Happy Mother's Day at our house. All of the girls gifts were made at school.. A great way to express they way they feel about me, straight from the heart.

As the pictures were taken with each child, so much love was felt for one another in our home.
It was a great way to start off a Sunday morning!

Right after church we all headed straight for Gammie and Papa's house for Gammie's birthday celebration. Lydia of course went for the piano that is now kept in the bedroom, not the living room. Hmmm, I wonder why?

Aunt Whitney is showing Sarah the skills to play volleyball.

With having four kids, it is sometimes hard to take pictures with all the family members. So I put this wonderful opportunity to good use and took photos that I needed.

We put our good walking shoes to use and walked ourselves over to Lodi Lake. We stumbled upon a stage where Lydia said, "Hey guys....I have a great idea...
Lets have a dance contest.

Here we all are, loving every minute of Lydia's Great Idea!

We were one with nature as we strolled down the trail and saw deer grazing on grass.

One Big Happy Family!

To the Best Mom in the World,
Happy Birthday to You.

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