Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Prophets Counsel


"The Prophet Said to Plant a Garden, So That's What We Did"....
My wonderful in-laws were so generous to let us plant a garden on their land. It's a plot size of 20 x 20. The week before the garden was started, we had FHE discussing just that very thing. We all voted on what's going to be planted, location of the vegetables in the garden and most important.....All the Work involving such an adventure.
Spirits were high and adrenaline was pumping!

First thing first, all weeds must go! McKenzie with her strong arms tackled that stubborn weed. Giving her, her props for using a shovel that is bigger than she.

WOW.. break time came sooner than I thought....NOT! They are always amazed that Grandma and Big Papa have a park in their back yard.
Sarah said, " Why did Grandma move here, cause she likes kids?"

Daddy duck and his 3 ducklings are road a tilling the ground. The soil for this garden is amazing. Alice had her gardens in the same spot for several years.

Porter was in his element....Boys love dirt.
Picked up dirt and then dropped it; again and again.

Here the kids are, raking the dirt and sifting out the weeds. They are doing the prep work for making the rows and isles for the garden.

Grandma brought out some kitchen toys. Every child thinks to themselves, "Does dirt taste good?" Look closely at Porter!

Man oh Man.....I found a new work-out for my upper body, Shoveling dirt!
Scott mostly, shoveled one main isle down the middle.

Here he is making a 2 shovel width row for our peas. He tied a rope from one side of the garden to the other side so the rows are straight. Brilliant!
We planted so far:
600 peas
300 snow peas
400 radishes

1 comment:

Suburban Monkey said...

I love it!!!!!! So much fun. I guess for now i will have to stick to my basil in a pot until we start the compound.