Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 2 of the Canada Trip

Good morning!  It feels great to cook breakfast inside a warm and spacious motor home. 

We are slowly waking up from a short night.  It rained and rained all night!  Well I guess that's why its so green and luscious in the Redwood forest.  When Scott and I drove into the camp site, we drove through the Avenue of the Giants.  Of course the kids were asleep at 11pm, so I am excited to have them see what Scott and I saw last night.  Truly amazing!

Avenue of the Redwoods

EEL River

Here is the last logging cookhouse in California.  And we are all hungry!  I love this photo.  We are so enjoying ourselves.

We instantly made friends with our waitress.  Sarah leads over to me and says, "Mom her name is Pam."  And then Porter says, "Mom she is my friend.  She talks to us and I like her."  She came and found me back inside the museum part of the cookhouse and told me that I am going to have this baby sooner than the 7 weeks I have left.  I did have to tell her about my record of having over 10 lb babies.  She didn't care and she gave me a postcard to send her a picture of baby Hazen and when I delivered.  She was just a doll.  We gave her a big hug and said good-bye.

I thought my mom was the only one who had a butcher block, but I have always called it a chopping block.  Who knows what its called, it reminded me of home!

We had to stop and take a bunch of photos at the beach south of Crescent City.  So many cool things that washed up from the Tsunami.  The kids found neat keepsakes.

Just as we drove by the elk crossing sign....we saw a herd of elk. 

Here we are with Paul Bunyan and Blue.

Mrs Rempfer, Lydia and Sarah's first grade teacher has been talking  about Paul Bunyan and Blue for weeks now.  It was nice to make that a reality for my girls.

You know boys and their guns!  Scott was all over that.  Yes, Porter is gun shopping.  Cap guns.  The caps weren't in yet, thank goodness.  We will just pretend for now.

Driving up 101, the beaches/waves were incredible!  Our pictures don't do it justice.  Here are the pictures from the beaches in Crescent City.

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