Tuesday, June 28, 2011

One month old

Your a month old already.  I love you and enjoy the happiness that you bring to me and our family. Thank you Aunt Whitney for making this hat and making this photo as cute as can be . 

Eat my Bubbles

Go Triton's!
Look out swimmers, my girls are fast.
Eat their bubbles

McKenzie took first place in her events.  The head coach of the Triton's commented on how fast she swims.  That made McKenzie's day, and her mother's.

This is Lydia and Sarah's second year swimming and they are loving every minute of it.  They took second place in all their events. 

Sarah wanted to see Lydia at the finish.
What a way to finish; having your twin cheering you on!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


We love the UPS man!
We love Dave Cundari!
They just happen to be one in the same.
Dave Cundari is a very close friend of our family. Dave surprised Porter with a UPS hat, truck and bear.  Porter wore the hat to bed, and wanted to bring it to church the next day.  Porter was a good sport about not bringing it to church but wouldn't you know it he put it on immediately afterwards.  Boys and there TRUCKS.

Grown up date night

At the end of each quarter, Scott and I reward the girls with a grown up date night if their grades are excellent!  A grown up date night means; a date night like "Mommy" has with Daddy.

Proud Big Brother

There is not a prouder big brother out there! Is there such a thing as to much Love?  The answer is "NO WAY."

Keeping her Busy

Lydia is sure keeping the Tooth Fairy busy these days.

Sisterly Love

One thing that is great about living in a small duplex is the close relationship you build with your family.  Saying that, I had the wonderful opportunity to hear loud laughter coming from the girls bedroom on this summer afternoon.  Scott and I hope that our children will stay close and remember all the good times that they had together growing up.

I love your......

I love your......loud squeaks and grunts ( loves to talk to his mommy)
                        different facial expressions
                        constant grin on your face
                        sweet disposition
                        when you instantly stop crying when I pick you up
                         new baby smell
                         kissable/chubby checks
                         love when you ball up on my chest
                         love that Heavenly Father sent you down to me
                         grip my fingers
                         cute toes
                         blue, blue eyes
                         your baby soft hair
                         when I am holding you and you burst out in laughter while asleep
                         amazing sense of smell (knowing its me just by the way I smell)
                         ravenous appetite
                         need to be held all the time
                         my baby boy

I love that each minute of every day there are more things to LOVE about you.