Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Prophets Counsel


"The Prophet Said to Plant a Garden, So That's What We Did"....
My wonderful in-laws were so generous to let us plant a garden on their land. It's a plot size of 20 x 20. The week before the garden was started, we had FHE discussing just that very thing. We all voted on what's going to be planted, location of the vegetables in the garden and most important.....All the Work involving such an adventure.
Spirits were high and adrenaline was pumping!

First thing first, all weeds must go! McKenzie with her strong arms tackled that stubborn weed. Giving her, her props for using a shovel that is bigger than she.

WOW.. break time came sooner than I thought....NOT! They are always amazed that Grandma and Big Papa have a park in their back yard.
Sarah said, " Why did Grandma move here, cause she likes kids?"

Daddy duck and his 3 ducklings are road a tilling the ground. The soil for this garden is amazing. Alice had her gardens in the same spot for several years.

Porter was in his element....Boys love dirt.
Picked up dirt and then dropped it; again and again.

Here the kids are, raking the dirt and sifting out the weeds. They are doing the prep work for making the rows and isles for the garden.

Grandma brought out some kitchen toys. Every child thinks to themselves, "Does dirt taste good?" Look closely at Porter!

Man oh Man.....I found a new work-out for my upper body, Shoveling dirt!
Scott mostly, shoveled one main isle down the middle.

Here he is making a 2 shovel width row for our peas. He tied a rope from one side of the garden to the other side so the rows are straight. Brilliant!
We planted so far:
600 peas
300 snow peas
400 radishes

Grown-up Date Night

After each report card that McKenzie has, (we started this when she was in Kindergarten) if she has good grades; she gets to go on a "grown-up date night" with Mom and Dad. Dinner one on one is a special time that McKenzie loves to plan. Tonight we went to Shangrala.

I was honored to go on a weekend ice cream run with Lydia and Sarah. Every weekend Scott takes the girls alone on a ice cream run. It gives him a chance to know what is happening in their lives and their feelings about things. Every now and then I get to have that special time.

Church Ball

The most dangerous sport has started.........
The game prior to ours someone got hurt and in our game one was hurt too. Church ball got its reputation for a reason!
And yes my man made that shot....of course.

Porter takes advantage of half time to practice his dribbling; and showing off some of his new moves.

I love a man in uniform!

Friday, January 9, 2009

"J" Week

We had such a humorous week.

The letter for the week at preschool was "J."
Miss Jana's Joke Jar was on the counter and each morning a joke was read.
All week jokes were told at home and Lydia and Sarah were cracking themselves up!
"What is a sheep's favorite movie?"
"What does Cinderella wear to the beach?"
"What does a Choo Choo Train say when its sick?"
A Choo Choo Choo

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Birthday J.J. and Natalie

It was so cute when Aunt Aleena said, "Here comes the Bond fire."
J.J. turned 37 and Natalie 10 yrs old.

All the sweet girls getting together to read the birthday card.

Natalie got her ears pierced for her birthday and Lydia and Sarah were so happy for her.


Yes, Porter is being potty trained right now. For the last 2 weeks he has been telling me when he is going poo poo. Couple of days now, he tells me before he goes poo poo. So I would be CRAZY not to do it. On his first day he went pee pee 3 times and once poo poo.
I do apologize for my potty mouth!

New Year's Day

Today was a big day for McKenzie. She learned how to make scrambled eggs with ham all by herself.

Lydia did a wonderful job helping McKenzie cook the eggs.

Sarah was in charge of the french toast.

Porter loves to watch all the cooking while he eats his bananas.

After breakfast everyone went outside to show off their mad skills to Grandma and Big Papa. Living in a court gave them plenty of room to have fun.

Someone loves to follow Big Papa.

Futures Bright

"Try to be as cool as me in 2009!"

New Years Eve

I realized New Years Eve that I have been apart of the Campbell family for 12 years and I don't have a picture of my favorite dog, Jimmy. I just love that dog. He used to go running or walking with me all the time.

Family photo to start off the day right.

"Da Boys"

Little Chef's and Grandma.

These aprons that Lydia and Sarah have on are the one's that Grandma made for them for Christmas. She has such a nice, big kitchen for all the girls to help cook.

All the ingredients are out to start making rolls.

Lydia and Sarah surprised Grandma on their cooking skills.

Taking a break for a musical version of "Ring-a-Round the Rosy"

Art lessons are a special thing that Grandma does with my girls. No matter how long we are there visiting, Grandma takes the time to teach.

While the girls were hard at work; the two silly boys were having a little fun of their own.

Every one is getting tired as the time gets closer to midnight.

Happy New Year Everyone!

Here's looking at you!

The year that our children start Kinder garden is when we start getting their eyes checked. Well Sarah and Lydia went to the doctor and Sarah discovered that she has one eye that is more dominant than the other. Here is a picture of her and her new High School Musical glasses.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Real Fun Begins

If the level of noise equals the amount of fun that is being had in the house; we have reached the maximum. Sarah and Lydia just completed, paint by number.

We had great weather for bike riding and Roller skating. Living on the corner allows Lydia to ride around the neighborhood while still being safe. Practicing in the carpeted garage was a great way to start off Sarah.

Our Neighbor Bob just got home and joined in the fun with Sarah.

Before you know it, Porter will be using this scooter by himself.

Sarah wanted her training wheels off. She rode by herself for a while. Very proud of her!

Makeover anyone?
Just call Sarah, the make-up artist.

Porter like the magna-doodle.
Better that than crayola mouth!